★ Currently contains 2251 cameras !!!
For all US cameras (15.000+) instal Camera UShttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vision.cameras.us
It will be very helpful in New York traffic or to check weather and road contions.It will feel your heart with warm if your away from your favorite city, and just want to take a look on NYC streets. It will inform you if you never been to New York and want to feel the city's spirit and take a look on some of the famous views and spots.
★★★If you like app dont forget to share it on facebook too :)http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=https://market.android.com/details?id=com.vision.cameras.nyc&t=CamerasNYC★★★
Cameras are grouped so you can find easy what you need.You can add cameras to favorites for quick access.There is share button so you can capture an image of current camera store it and send it with any application on your device that compatible with "share image" option.
Application have widgets in 3 sizes, so you can place camera you use the most on your home screen. You can "play camera", "stop camera" or "change camera or number of images in minute".Default for widget is only 5 images per minute but you can change it as you like.
ATTENTION:On most Android device you need to install application on internal memory (not on sd card) if you want to use widgets !!!
Application uses publicly available cameras provided by NYC DOT & Current traffic conditions and other cameras provider and provider is listed under every camera we show.
You want see some other cameras in this app? Send us an email with link and short description.
If you know for good webcams for NYC and whant us to include it in our app, let us know. Send an link to that webcam and if technically possible we will include it in our app. Camera can be of any type like traffic weather travel as long as it's good and stable we will add it.
You can choose 1 of 5 color schemes (green, purple, dark, blue and red)(Menu->Colors)
If you have any problem or suggestion or feature you want us to add, dont do it in comment. Please send us an email on office@android.co.rs and we will help you with your problem and consider you suggestions for next releases.
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