Thousands of manga from:MangaHereMangaPandaBatotoMangaFoxMangaInnKissMangaMangaReaderMangaHere - SpanishMany more sources to come...
*Manga Galaxy does not show any adult content/manga (Hentai, Yaoi, Yuri)
FEATURES:- A manga reader for online and offline reading.- Add manga to you Favorites and Manga Galaxy will automatically track you reading progress.- Download manga to read later with the fastest downloader (Depends on source and your internet connection - Change to different source if one is slow).- Notifications of new chapters for Favorites manga with variable check intervals.- Advanced reader with support for dynamic switching between vertical and horizontal reading- View Reviews, Character Details and Recommended Series for a lot of Manga!- Simple and Advanced search options (Genre, Complete/Ongoing & Manga/Manhwa )
This is all presented to you in a gorgeous layout fit for your device!
FREE VERSION: This version of Manga Galaxy is Ad supported. The Pro version is Ad free.
Please understand that I am not a Studio, and this app was solely developed by me as my first Android app and I have tried my best to ensure the best of quality. However there can always be shortcomings, so please get in touch with me via email if you have any problems before leaving a review.
I still have quite a few unique features planned for Manga Galaxy - manga reader so please look forward to them. Also please send in you suggestions too via EMAIL ( or Manga Galaxy's FACEBOOK page.
*Neither Manga Galaxy nor it's creator are affiliated with the sources and works Manga Galaxy relies on. Copyrights and trademarks for the manga, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners.