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Game: What Song

  (155 votes)
Views: 1601
Category Music
Requires os version:Android2.2 and up
You think you know all the songs just listening a fragment? Prove it in What Song.

187 songs of all styles and periods, you should find out the name of the song just listening a second.

Get coins, guessing the singer or band, you can spend on clues to guess the song.

? ¡187 songs of all styles and epochs!
? ¡4 types of clues to help you discover the song title!
? ¡Post your score on ScoreLoop and compare it with your friends!
? ¡Discover the singer or group and get coins to spend on the clues!
? ¡Try to make PERFECT in every song without using clues and solving on the first try!

Attention: The songs are not in the game, the are downloaded and played in streaming from online public services. The creator of the APP has no physical responsibility for these songs, because they are hosted on public servers, and they are the responsible of the songs. The creator of the APP is not responsible for the cost of downloading songs using a 3G connection. It is VERY recommended to use WIFI, because the songs are downloaded in streaming, and this means a lot of MB downloaded.

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