Name: roxanne
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: LG VX-8350
My slogan: holla :)
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About me

Name: roxanne
Sex: Female
Age: 37
Occupation: employed
Status: Single
Country: United States United States
Hometown: SEATTLE
Member since: March 2011
Last update: 09.03.2012 22:53

My Phone

LG VX-8350

Display size 176x184

MyTinyphone have selected this phone 279th most popular phone on site!

599 users have this phone

Go to LG VX-8350 group page


music, dance, writing, ect.
Favorite music:
hip hop // rap // r&b // rock // everything really! :)
Favorite movies:
Billy Madison // Dirty Work // Set it Off // The Girl Next Door // Who Made The Potato Salad (
Favorite TV Shows:
The Game//Bad Girls Club // 3 and a half men // operation repo // 48hrs // law and order (SVU)

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