Name: Rahman
Age: 41
Sex: Male
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Samsung A500 (Sprint USA)
My slogan: I just had sex!
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49 points
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About me

Name: Rahman
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Occupation: student
Status: Single
Country: United States United States
Member since: February 2011
Last update: 31.10.2012 21:56

My Phone

Samsung A500 (Sprint USA)

Display size 128x160

MyTinyphone have selected this phone 48th most popular phone on site!

3155 users have this phone

Go to Samsung A500 (Sprint USA) group page


Favorite activities:
Why do you care >.>
Favorite music:
Ace Attorney music
Favorite movies:
Favorite TV Shows:
Um, Avatar the last airbender, dbz, yugioh,digimon, Blah
Favorite games:
Ace attorney series, Ape escape series, digimon series, some of the pokemon games, Devil May Cry 4, Call Of Duty Black Ops, Battlefield,Medal Of Honor.
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