Name: eduardo
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Samsung SGH T469
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attack attack!
attack attack!
"Attack Attack - Stick Stickly (HD / UNOFFICIAL / DE MEDIA VERSION)"
a sky lit drive
a sky lit drive
"A Skylit Drive - Drown The City"
asking alexandria
asking alexandria
"Asking Alexandria - I Used to Have a Best Friend (But Then He Gave Me an STD) - #10"
asking alexandria
asking alexandria
"Asking Alexandria - I Was Once Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps a Cowboy King - #12"
bless the fall
bless the fall
"Bless The Fall-Higinia"
bless the fall
bless the fall
"Bless The Fall - Take Me Now (Lyrics)"
bless the fall
bless the fall
"Bless the Fall- Black Rose Dying"
bless the fall
bless the fall
"BlessTheFall - Times Like These"
asking alexandria
asking alexandria
"Asking Alexandria - If You Can't Ride Two Horses at Once, You Should Get Out of the Circus -"
attack attack!
attack attack!
"Attack Attack!- Catfish Soup"
Attack Attack!
Attack Attack!
"Attack Attack! - Smokahontas (Lyrics + Download)"
Attack Attack!
Attack Attack!
"Attack Attack!-The People's Elbow[NEW/ALBUM VERSION]"
attack attack !
attack attack !
"Attack Attack - Stick Stickly (HD / UNOFFICIAL / DE MEDIA VERSION)"
asking alexandria
asking alexandria
"A Candlelight dinner with Inamorta - Asking Alexandria + [lyrics on screen]"
attack attack!
attack attack!
"Attack Attack - Stick Stickly (HD / UNOFFICIAL / DE MEDIA VERSION)"
attack attack!
attack attack!
"Attack Attack - Stick Stickly (HD / UNOFFICIAL / DE MEDIA VERSION)"
Attack Attack!
Attack Attack!
"Attack Attack - Stick Stickly (HD / UNOFFICIAL / DE MEDIA VERSION)"
attack atack!
attack atack!
"Attack Attack - Stick Stickly (HD / UNOFFICIAL / DE MEDIA VERSION)"
asking alexandria
asking alexandria
"asking alexandria a single moment of sincerity lyrics"
asking alexandria
asking alexandria
"Asking Alexandria: Not the American Average [lyrics]"
attack attack
attack attack
"Attack Attack - Stick Stickly (lyrics)"
bring me the horizon
bring me the horizon
"Bring Me The Horizon- Diamond Aren't Forever"
bless the fall
bless the fall
"Bless The Fall - Higinia (Lyrics)"
asking alexadnria
asking alexadnria
"Asking Alexandria - If You Can't Ride Two Horses At Once You Should Get Out Of The Circus"
asking alexandria
asking alexandria
"Asking Alexandria - When Everyday's The Weekend"

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