Name: evagelia
Age: 38
Sex: Female
Country: Greece
Proud owner of: Nokia N95
My slogan: YOOO !!
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yaoi fangirls!!me too!me too! :3 yaoi Bleach kawaii :33 yaoi hot threesome Yaoi  Light_X_L Yagami Kira
Shinigami Ryuk Ryuk Chibi cookie hunter L L_Chibi pink L loves FOOD :3 (me too!)
Dn-L sign Death_Note  L Death_Note Death_Note skull Death_Note Shinigami
Death_Note ryuk light apple Death_Note Death_Note L cake Death_Note ryuk light Death Note L and Donut!
chibi L hates cellphones YAOI-is it Like Or Love? :3 Yaoi Twin Cherry Kiss Yaoi...im sorry...i love uuuu! :3 YAOI Seme-Uke sex
yaoi-Boys And Wings D Gray Man yaoi BITE!! seme-uke :3 hot yaoi yaoi-sasuke kakashi kawaiii :3

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