Name: Judith
Age: 58
Sex: Female
Country: United States
My slogan: If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex?
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Snoopy Christmas Snoopy Sleeping Cub Shy Baby Panda Shell Beach
Self Portrait Sea Turtle Scarecrow Mickey Santa's Takin' A Break Santa Knows The Reason
Santa Knockin' Santa Claus by Norman Rockwell Santa Claus Santa Sam Snowman Rudolph
Sailing Into The Blue Rudolph and Santa Rudolph and Hermey Rudolph and Clarice Road Trip Snoopy
Remember The Reason Reflection of Beauty Red and Black Reason For The Season Ready For Halloween
Raking Leaves Rainy Paris Window Rainy Day Daisies Rainforest Waterfall Rainforest Rain

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