Name: Sean
Age: 42
Sex: Male
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Samsung Gusto 2
My slogan: "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us" -J.R.R. Tolkien-LORD of the RINGS:Fellowship of the Ring-
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"LORD of the RINGS-Rohan-King of the Golden Hall-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-Ride of the Rohirrim-Howard Shore"

"LOTR-Ride of the Rohirrim-Howard Shore"

"LOTR-Rohan-King of the Golden Hall-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-Lothlorien-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-Aniron-Arwen and Aragorn-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-Arwen Undomiel-Evenstar-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-Rivendell-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-The Shire-Concerning Hobbits-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-RingWraiths-The Black Riders-Howard Shore"

"STAR WARS-Parade of the Ewoks-John Williams"

"STAR WARS-Throne Room-Rebel Alliance-John Williams"


"STAR WARS-Mos Eisley Cantina Band-John Williams"

"STAR WARS-Main Title Theme-John Williams"

"STAR WARS-Main Title-John Williams"

"STAR WARS-Imperial March-Darth Vader-John Williams"

"LORD of the RINGS-The Green Dragon-Billy Boyd & Dominic, Monaghan"

"Hobbit-The Man In the Moon, The Cat and the Fiddle-Bofur and Dwarves"

"LORD of the RINGS-the RingWraiths-The Black Riders-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-Main Theme-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-Hey Ho To The Bottle I Go-Merry & Pippin"

"LORD of the RINGS-The Green Dragon-Merry & Pippin"

"Hobbit: Down, Down, Down To Goblin Town-Howard Shore"

"Hobbit-Misty Mountains Cold-Howard Shore"

"Hobbit-The Dwarf Lords-Howard Shore"

"Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey-The Dwarf Lords-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-Anduril-Flame of the West-Howard Shore "

"LORD of the RINGS-Arwen Undomiel-Evenstar-Howard Shore"

"LORD of the RINGS-Flaming Red Hair-Howard Shore"

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