Name: evagelia
Age: 38
Sex: Female
Country: Greece
Proud owner of: Nokia N95
My slogan: YOOO !!
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Hiruma...Eeeevil... GYA HA HA HAAA!!! Hiruma-Shin yaoi Hiruma-Sena sweet yaoi Hiruma-Sena *guess who?* yaoi hiruma-rui habashira yaoi
hiruma-junmyoji sweet yaoi love Hiruma's TOUCH DOWN! YA HAA Hiruma! YOU FAIL! HA HA! Hiruma Wall hiruma VS mamori
Hiruma teacher hiruma sena bath time(yaoi) Hiruma Rui habashira yaoi *its daily milk...pervs!* ;) hiruma reading hiruma musashi yaoi sweet kiss
Hiruma Hot *drooools...* hiruma hell notebook hiruma hell notbook YA-HA Hiruma Habashira Rui cute play Hiruma Guns
Hiruma GUNMAN Hiruma Gangster-YA HAA hiruma CHOP THEIR HEADS sigh Hiruma Chibi Devil hiruma Black Chibi
hiruma bat Hiruma hidan pick up line HE's pick up line.....and a corny one...  :)P hayate-naruto ninja

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